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New Year Tips for Feeling Calm

New Year Tips for Feeling More Calm

By Essential Reading, Health, Skin No Comments

For many of us, the beginning of a year, particularly one after such a rollercoaster of a year before, can be a refreshing yet stressful period. We often give ourselves a “resolution” that we feel we need to stick to, which more often than not, focuses on health & wellbeing.

For Totally Derma®, it’s all about caring for yourself from within, so to help you bring more calm into your world, and hopefully continue throughout the year, here are our tips to help you!


Stress can be an incredibly harmful factor in our lives that can give us more than just a headache. Stress can cause:

  • Inability to recover from illness
  • Inflammation
  • Low mood
  • Lack of sleep
  • Lack of motivation

Minimising inflammation is actually one of the key elements to boosting our inner health because it is the body’s natural defence and repair hub. When we hurt ourselves, our body reacts with swelling, redness and soreness in that area for a short amount of time while it heals. This response is not just for external injuries, it actually happens inside the body.

In our day to day lives, we are exposed to constant stress, which can trigger the inflammatory response inside the body and produces free radicals in response which, if untreated, can cause further damage and harm.


The first port of call to help reduce inflammation and free radicals within our bodies is to make sure the things we put into our body supports us in a healthy way.

One way to do this is through plant based foods – if you have already started your Veganuary challenge, then your body will be thanking you with a healthier digestive system, helping remove those toxins. It is recommended that you “eat the rainbow” with 7 portions of fruit and vegetables each day to bring vitamins, minerals and fibre into your body to help your body processes work optimally.

If you are not one to try out a plant-based diet, then why not swap one or two of your meat-based meals for a vegan option each week to help jump-start and care for your body?

Another dietary suggestion to help reduce inflammation within your body as a result of stress, is to reduce refined sugars and carbohydrates in your diet. When you consume these foods, your body reacts with a stress response as your blood sugar and insulin levels rise.

Foods such as oily fish, flaxseed nuts and seeds all contain sources of anti-inflammatory essential fats which are beneficial to your body’s response to stress. Adding these into your diet can be another way to manage and maintain your healthy body.

For a quick daily fix of anti-oxidants, add a daily supplement that you can take to help beat the harmful effects of stress on your body. For example, within our Totally Derma Collagen Drink supplement, we have added Vitamin C, grape seed extract, green tea extract, alpha lipoic acid, zinc, manganese and copper to ensure a healthy and happy body, and repair skin, hair and nails too.

Once you have developed a healthier diet and lifestyle to help your body’s reaction to stress internally, you can add other wellbeing and mindset boosters to your daily life. Whether it’s heading to the gym for a boost of energy, meeting with loved ones for conversation, or adding a relaxing bath to your night time routine while turning off screens at least an hour prior to bed, you’ll begin to create habits that help you manage your stress levels and encourage better health!

Ultimately, no matter what your plans for the year ahead, we hope you add some habits to your life to help you feel a better, healthier, and calmer self.

Totally Derma for Menopause


By Essential Reading, Health No Comments

The Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) is a term that is used to describe the various menopausal symptoms that transpire due to physical changes in the vulva, vagina, and lower urinary tract. GSM affects women’s bodies in many ways, subsequently impacting the quality of life and relationships. Common GSM signs include genital symptoms, such as vaginal dryness, burning, and irritation; sexual symptoms, such as lack of lubrication, discomfort, or pain during or after sex; as well as urinary symptoms, including stress and urge incontinence, and recurrent urinary tract infections.

Even though GSM is estimated to affect the well-being of more than 70% of women worldwide, it is rarely talked about and many women do not seek treatment. GSM symptoms can have a profound negative impact on physical and mental health, as well as on one’s quality of life and mobility. For instance, urinary symptoms such as stress urinary incontinence and urge incontinence result in many women relying on expensive absorbent underwear or limiting their outings from home in case they have an accident. Vaginal symptoms such as dryness, irritation, and painful sex can affect relationships, with many women having to abstain from having sex or experiencing discomfort and pain during or after sex. In addition to distressing GSM symptoms, women around the age of menopause also notice considerable changes to their appearance, especially skin, hair, nails, and joints. This is due to the sharp drop in collagen production, which leads to dehydrated and textured skin, loss of hair, brittle nails, and joint pain.

Given the previous efficacy of Totally Derma® nutraceutical collagen drink supplement in improving skin texture and supplying collagen to the body, we were curious to see if ingesting Totally Derma® would improve the GSM symptoms along with skin, hair, nail, and joints health in menopausal women. In the following trial, eight women were instructed to take Totally Derma®, a hydrolysed bovine collagen supplement, at night for 12 weeks. The formulation of Totally Derma® Nutraceutical Drink Supplement contains high amounts of collagen amino acid peptides, hyaluronic acid, and other synergistic co-factors which are distributed via the blood vessels into the deep layer of the skin, the dermis, where they stimulate fibroblast cells to produce more collagen and hyaluronic acid. This unique formulation contains a superior form of hydrolysed collagen, Arthred®, sourced via Gelita, AG, the collagen peptide experts. Totally Derma® has been specially formulated to reduce inflammation in the body to improve skin, hair, nail, joints, gut, bones, and menopausal health.

In this 3-month study, seven of the eight participating women were post-menopause, one was perimenopausal, and the average age was 51. Five women were using transdermal or oral HRT, in addition, one was using ovestin, one was using vagirux and one was using a DHEA supplement. The participants were asked to rate the severity of their GSM symptoms (vaginal dryness, pain during or after sex, bleeding after sex, stress urinary and urge incontinence and external genital irritation) together with the improvements in their skin, hair, nail, and joints health.

While it is a small study, the participating women have reported a 70% improvement in all GSM symptoms. Moreover, 7 of 8 women reported an improvement in their skin, nail, hair, and joint health. All women reported that bleeding after sex has stopped and all women also saw an improvement in skin hydration, skin texture and nail strength. Six women reported that their stress urinary incontinence had improved and five women said that their urge incontinence subsided as well. Six out of eight participating women have seen relief in their labial symptoms, with one experiencing no symptoms at all. Moreover, five women saw better hair growth, and three women reported a good to moderate relief in their joint pain.

You can find the comments of the women who participated in the trial below:

“Everything improved! The Vulva and Vagina have improved incredibly (a tiny bit sore still but nothing as bad as they were before Totally Derma®. The improvement started after 2 months and continues to improve every day.“

“Hurrah!! I am having pain free sex for the first time in a very long time with no bleeding afterwards. Vaginal lubrication is so much better, it is amazing to finally feel comfortable as I was so worried that my sex life was over the way it was so painful before. I am so thankful to Totally Derma®, it has transformed my life.”

“I have noticed my labia is much more comfortable and I am able to reduce the amount of Ovestin I use now, internally and externally.“

“I feel my body articulation has overall improved the longer I take it. My joints are more supple. I also feel much better hydration in my skin and vagina. It definitely takes time, patience is required but I feel my skin is smoother and firmer. Stronger nails were one of the first things I noticed as well as stronger hair. This collagen-boosting supplement is something I’ll be taking for life.”

“Skin is consistently hydrated and texture more smooth, the sporadic itchiness on my arms and legs I had been getting has stopped, feeling more fluid movement in my body.”

“My hair also feels strong and is growing fast and feels thick and soft. I am not losing it like I was before.”

“My skin is wonderful on my face with my hormonal acne now totally gone with only a little dark scaring (not sure if this will improve over time) The skin on my body is less dry with only a little itching on my arms.”

Holistic Health

Is holistic health and wellbeing right for you?

By Health No Comments

An increasing number of people are embracing holistic health services now more than ever. The pandemic has highlighted the need to maintain good health, address certain health issues or generally work on boosting the immune system.

Healthcare needs to move more towards a patient centred approach as opposed to the current symptom centred model that does not address the needs of the patient holistically.

While conventional healthcare practices are essential for acute and in emergency situations, there are other options for long standing and chronic conditions.

Here are some case studies which demonstrate how a holistic approach changed patients’ lives.

Female, aged 32 – upper and lower gastrointestinal symptoms for 6 months. A breath test diagnosed SIBO, an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the small intestine. A course of antibiotics was prescribed, and symptoms ceased for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, symptoms gradually returned, returning to pre-treatment severity after several weeks. Due to the high strength of the antibiotics, a repeat prescription was not an option. Patient was advised to follow a low FODMAP diet which is a diet low in fermentable carbohydrates and usually prescribed for patients suffering with IBS. The diet made no difference to her symptoms. It’s at this point that the patient searched for a nutritionist who had experience with treating gut conditions and was advised to follow a restricted diet for four weeks, followed by a course of herbal antibiotics and a slow reintroduction of foods under the nutritionist’s guidance to determine which foods aggravated her. Other gut healing supplementswere prescribed and with these and the removal of aggravating foods, patient is now symptom free and feels well again.

Male, aged 51 – lower back pain from a sports injury which was not improving after 3 weeks. GP referred to a physiotherapist who administered treatment and gave some exercises to do at home. Patient wanted quicker results and was recommended an acupuncturist by a friend. Patient had two acupuncture treatments a week alongside the physiotherapy and was pain free after another month of treatment.

Child, aged 4 – eczema since shortly after birth – no improvement from creams/treatments prescribed by the GP or consultant. Sought the support of a homeopath to get to the root of the issue. After an initial consultation and in-depth history from the parents around the birth and health of mother and father, remedies were prescribed and follow up after four weeks was suggested. At the follow-up, 70% of the eczema had cleared up, a further remedy was prescribed which took into consideration the symptoms and temperament of the child at the appointment. After another 4 weeks, the eczema had gone and hasn’t returned to date, child is now 8.

These are just a few examples of when a holistic or integrated approach speeded up the desired result or provided an alternative when conventional treatment failed to provide the desired result. It’s not always as quick and as easy as these cases, but it often doesn’t take long to start seeing improvements when you are receiving the right treatment for your specific needs.

Is holistic health right for you? If you would like further information or suggestions on which practitioners may be able to support you on your journey, search on Holistic Room today or email us at, let us know what you are struggling with and we will send you relevant links to some practitioners you can connect with.

Did you know that you have a second brain that impacts your whole health? Download our FREE guide to learn where it is and what you can do to boost it and in turn your overall health.

Guest Post written by Holistic Room
This blog first appeared on the Holistic Room at

18 Amino Acids in Bovine Collagen

The 18 amino acids in bovine collagen and how they can improve your health

By Health No Comments

While there are 18 amino acids in bovine collagen, it is the presence of key amino acids that lends the majority of the perks: glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline.

These three amino acids are crucial building blocks of collagen, tendons, and ligaments and have been shown to support health in a number of other ways, such as promoting normal inflammatory processes and supporting immune function.*

L-Glycine is an essential amino acid, meaning that your body needs it, but cannot produce it on its own. It is an immune system booster as it helps build antibodies and has important antiviral properties.

Totally Derma® Collagen contains this important amino acid, and as a result, by taking 10,000mg of collagen daily you are boosting your immune system.


Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2003 Mar;6(2):229-40.

L-Glycine: a novel anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and cytoprotective agent.

Zhong Z1, Wheeler MD, Li X, Froh M, Schemmer P, Yin M, Bunzendaul H, Bradford B, Lemasters JJ.


In recent years, evidence has mounted in favour of the anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and cytoprotective effects of the simplest amino acid L-glycine.

This article will focus on the recent findings about the responsible mechanisms of protection and review the beneficial effects of glycine in different disease states.

Read more here:

Totally Derma® collagen peptides have an exceptional absorption rate via the small intestine; the peptides that are consumed circulate through the body’s bloodstream instead of going through the digestive tract.

Since Totally Derma® is broken down to a low molecular level, this ensures that the amino acids and nutrients are easily and quickly, absorbed into the bloodstream.

Please contact us if you would like further information, clinical studies, or would like to become one of our Clinic Partners.

We would love to hear from you.

Please stay safe and well.

Collagen and Gut Health


By Health No Comments

If you suffer from leaky gut syndrome, a condition where bad-for-you toxins are able to pass through your digestive tract, collagen can be super-helpful. It helps break down proteins and soothes your gut’s lining, healing damaged cell walls and infusing it with healing amino acids.

The biggest digestive benefit of consuming more collagen is that it helps form connective tissue and therefore “seals and heals” the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Today, we know that many illnesses can actually be traced back to inflammation or irritation stemming from an unhealthy gut. Poor gut health — including changes in the gut microbiome and permeability in the gut lining — allows particles to pass into the bloodstream where they can kick off an inflammatory cascade (hence the name leaky gut syndrome).

Studies have found that in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, serum concentrations of collagen are decreased. Because the amino acids in collagen build the tissue that lines the colon and GI tract, supplementing with collagen can help treat gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders, including leaky gut syndrome, IBS, acid reflux, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In addition to helping heal leaky gut, collagen also helps with the absorption of water within the intestines, keeping things moving more freely out of body.

BOLEY NUTRACEUTICALS LTD offers the best collagen for gut health

Boley Nutraceuticals Ltd. are dedicated to OTC consumer driven and science inspired anti-ageing, wellness, aesthetic and healthcare solutions, working with worldwide leading manufacturers and highest pharmaceutical quality standards. The Company philosophy echoes Efficacy, Innovation, Research and Quality

Losing Collagen Post Menopause

A natural solution for some of the effects of losing collagen post-Menopause

By Health No Comments

From the Greek pausis (cessation) and men (month), the Menopause is officially classified as the day after final the menstrual flow and marks the end of reproductive life. At this stage, there is a dramatic fall in circulating oestrogen and progesterone and therefore the balance of sex hormones alters; ovaries stop producing eggs and therefore the creation and shedding of uterine lining ceases, resulting in no menstruation. In the UK the average age is 52 years, but this tends to be earlier in smokers.

The peri-menopause is the period of transition (can be up to 10 years) around the menopause, both before and after and usually starts mid-late 40s but can be earlier. During this phase there are wide fluctuations in (overall falling) hormone levels, which can cause the classic symptoms and this can be extremely variable between individuals

Oestrogen affects different systems in your body including the brain, skin, bones heart and vagina. Low levels of oestrogen can affect all these parts bringing on adverse symptoms.

Some symptoms occur due to these hormonal fluctuations and relative fluctuations between individual hormones. These symptoms tend to improve post-menopause e.g. hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings. However, some symptoms occur due to the overall fall in hormones in general and continue on after the menopause, due to the continuing low hormone levels

e.g. conditions like vaginal dryness, urinary urgency, loss of bone mineral density

Triggered by low oestrogen levels, vaginal dryness can result in thinner skin around the vaginal wall and the decreasing levels of collagen also associated with ageing further exacerbate this.  The body’s ability to repair and replace collagen reduces as oestrogen decreases and consequently the walls of the vagina become thinner and more fragile as well as less elastic. As a connective tissue, collagen is responsible for holding cell structures together and the body produces less collagen, particularly during the peri-menopause phase. In addition, the production of Hyaluronic acid also reduces, further contributing to dryness.

Whilst vaginal atrophy cannot be prevented it is possible to take measures to slow down the progression, by increasing the level of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the body and ensuring a diet that is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants to help with the production of collagen in the first place.  Collagen and hyaluronic acid work synergistically to stimulate the production of each and help to rejuvenate the skin tissue so that it is more elastic and hydrated.

Drinking a collagen drink on a daily basis can help improve the integrity of your skin from the inside out and help to alleviate some of the these symptoms associated with the menopause.

Collagen Connection in your gut

The Collagen connection in your gut

By Health No Comments

The overall health of our gut is very important to our overall wellbeing. In fact, our gut is often referred to as our “second brain”, affecting mood, energy levels and much more. Thus, the food we eat must be well processed if we are to absorb the vitamins and minerals efficiently which in turn affect our body’s critical functions; as well as digestion, hormone regulation, immune response, detoxification as well as mental health.

Ensuring your gut health is therefore crucial and a healthy gut flora and healthy gut lining play a big role in ensuring an efficient digestive process. What you eat will affect your gut bacteria and eating plenty of foods that are high in fibre will help create a healthy microbiome in the gut. However, when it comes to improving the health of your gut, you may not consider collagen as a nutrient to also include. After all, collagen is more likely to be associated with improving skin health and joint pain rather than the gut and digestive system. In fact Collagen can have significant benefits for healing the gut and improving gut integrity and well worth incorporating into your daily routine for better gut health.

Essentially, collagen is the gut’s connective tissue and as such provides the strength and support to the lining of your digestive tract. It is effectively a protective lining, acting as a barrier allowing only particles that should pass through, to enter the blood stream from the gut. If this protective lining is damaged, the gaps between the tight junctions become larger and thus allow larger particles to pass through into the blood stream. This damage results in a condition known as Leaky Gut Syndrome that in turn leads to inflammation, which can be very painful and cause significant digestive discomfort.

Studies have shown that those with inflammatory bowel disease, where typically the gut health has been compromised, were more likely to have lower levels of serum collagen. Increasing collagen intake may help to support the lining of the gut and therefore improve gut health in general.

Taking a supplement is the easiest way to boost collagen intake, but it is important to choose one that contains hydrolysed collagen peptides, where the amino acids in the collagen are already in a more easily digestible and absorbable form.

Once the gut is healed and the tight junctions in the lining of the intestines restored, inflammation is reduced and gut health is restored.

Foods to include to improve gut health:

  • Plenty of high fibre fresh vegetables, such as asparagus and broccoli and fruits; aim to reach 7 portions per day
  • Complex carbohydrates; wholegrains and starchy vegetables such as butternut squash, sweet potato
  • Pulses such as chickpeas and lentils
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Probiotic foods such as live plain yoghurt or fermented foods such as sauerkraut and pickles

Collagen powder can also be added to smoothies or yoghurt to pump some extra protein into your day.

Collagen Good for Joint Pain

Collagen – any good for joint pain?

By Health No Comments

Joint pain and discomfort can be debilitating for many and reducing pain as well as repairing joints is often a priority to help ease the symptoms day-to-day. After all, pain caused by Osteoarthritis, where the cartilage breaks down, grinding down the joints as the bones rub together, is certainly uncomfortable.  Until around the age of 30, this cartilage regenerates quickly but after this age, this process slows down, so the cartilage layer becomes thinner between the joints. Furthermore, strenuous high impact exercising, excess weight and even a sedentary lifestyle exacerbate this degeneration.

Replacing collagen can be effective to repair and replace cartilage, helping to maintain the structure of the joint and reduce pain. However, eating the collagen found in foods such as meat bones, shellfish or chicken skin may not end up part of this repair process. Not only is the type of collagen is important but also the form the collagen is consumed in.

Collagen comes in varying forms and whilst supplementing with Collagen is considered effective to improve skin health; boosting the elasticity and improving appearance, the recommended collagen here is type 1.

When it comes to joint health, type 2 collagen is recommended. It also needs to by hydrolysed, in other words in a processed powder form mixed with water. This is more bio-available and therefore more easily absorbed by the body. Once it has been absorbed, it will act as building blocks in the cells to produce new collagen fibres.

When choosing a supplement, maximize the benefits of a collagen supplement by choosing a supplement that also contains vitamin C, which is needed to produce collagen, as well a hyaluronic acid to boost hydration in the cells.

Without doubt, taking a collagen supplement alongside dietary and lifestyle changes is ultimately the most effective approach to reduce collagen damage and therefore joint pain, as you age. Key considerations include:

  • A healthy balanced diet, high in brightly coloured vegetables and fruits providing plenty of nutrients and antioxidants
  • Very little processed or refined foods, including sugar
  • An active lifestyle
  • Minimal stress from high impact exercise
Managing Stress Age Management

Managing Stress is Key for Age Management

By Health No Comments

We all know that we need to manage stress to ensure our health. Whether it’s managing blood pressure, ensuring a strong immune system or averting anxiety and depression, increased stress is guaranteed to have an adverse effect.

However, stress also plays a key role in ageing and the appearance of your skin can worsen as stress accelerates the ageing process. Managing your stress on a daily basis will affect how your skin looks and feels.

The body’s stress response does not differ greatly according the type of stress. For example, the body reacts in the same way to stress caused as a result of a life-threatening situation, which is commonly known as the “fight or flight” response, as it does to the stress due to work arguments or deadlines or even being stuck in a traffic jam. In all cases, the stress response will release the stress hormone Cortisol, which in turn activates the release of glucose into the blood stream. This will be used for energy to “flee”. In doing so, it also ensures that essential nutrients are directed to the vital organs, prioritizing the heart, brain and lungs to assist with this.

When there is ongoing lifestyle stress, in other words, chronic stress, this is happening much of the time and the skin is one of the first areas to show the effects. Deprived of essential nutrients over time, the skin’s renewal process slows down, resulting in a dull and lack-lustre appearance. Stress and cortisol release trigger an inflammatory response, producing free radicals that lead to cell damage and the breakdown of collagen. This affects the skin’s cell integrity reducing firmness, plumpness and elasticity as well as its ability to lock in moisture, leaving it more prone to the development of fine lines, wrinkles and dryness. This also makes the skin more vulnerable to the effects of the environment, including the harmful effects of pollution and sun damage.

Managing stress is key to effective age management and lifestyle measures including taking the time to relax, enjoy hobbies and pastimes, exercise and good quality sleep will go along way to reduce stress. However, addressing your diet alongside managing these lifestyle factors is crucial.

Key dietary considerations include:

  • Increasing nutrient status by eating up 7-10 portions of vegetables and fruits per day (max 2 fruits). Choosing dark green leafy vegetables as well as other brightly coloured choices such as broccoli, tomatoes, berries and oranges will ensure adequate vitamins, minerals and in particular antioxidants to combat the effects of stress. Try this
  • Avoid severe blood sugar fluctuations by reducing refined sugars, fizzy drinks, cakes, sweets, biscuits. These energising bliss balls  are an ideal slow releasing snack
  • Ensuring adequate hydration; around 8 glasses per day
  • Eating fibre rich foods such as oats, beans and pulses to remove harmful toxins Try this delicious Butterbean and Tomato Bruschetta to boost your fibre intake
  • Increasing the intake of antioxidants with a supplement to help to combat the harmful effects of the oxidative stress.
Connection Vitamin C and Collagen

The connection between Vitamin C & Collagen

By Health, Skin No Comments

Vitamin C and Collagen are two words that often go hand in hand but the link between the two is not always apparent. After all Vitamin C is supposedly an important vitamin to stave of colds and bugs and collagen is something you find in a bone broth. Well, both of these are correct, but there’s another area where these two nutrients plays a crucial role; skin health, particularly when it comes to age management.

One effect of maturing skin is the loss of collagen (and elastin); two fibrous proteins that help form connective tissue in the skin. As we age, these proteins tend to lose their strength and become less elastic, leading to sagging skin and wrinkles. This is why younger skin will appear more plump, taut and wrinkle free, whereas as we age, our skin integrity decreases.

The key to staving off the effects of ageing skin is to increase the production of collagen and effectively replace the natural loss and to do this, we need vitamin C. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, is found in high levels in the outer layers of the skin and is crucial for the collagen production process and without it, the body cannot make replace this collagen. With age, there is a decline in the levels of vitamin C found in these layers of the skin.

So how do we increase the levels of both vitamin C and collagen in the body?

In the first instance, eating foods that are rich in vitamin C will provide good levels. As vitamin C is water soluble, it cannot be stored in the body, so it is important to eat foods rich in vitamin C throughout the day. Foods rich in vitamin C include

  • Tomatoes
  • Kiwi
  • Oranges
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower

A good quality vitamin C supplement can also be considered in addition to good dietary sources.

Although collagen can be consumed by making a slow cooked bone broth, using left over bones from a meal or obtained from the butcher, a good quality collagen supplement is perhaps a more convenient form and will not only provide adequate levels to replenish the collagen loss but will also provide it in a bio-available form that the body “recognises” and can use effectively. It is important to choose a brand that contains pre-digested collagen, otherwise it will not survive the digestive process and will not reach the outer layers of the skin where it is needed.

Whilst intake of vitamin C and collagen will go a long way to ensuring healthy skin as we age, it is also important to consider other factors to prevent further skin damage.

  • Applying sunscreen lotion generously will help protect against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays which also contribute to the breakdown of collagen and elastin
  • Smoking can also cause sagging skin and wrinkles but encouraging premature breakdown of collagen
  • Some nutrients such as Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) can also slow down the breakdown of collagen. ALA is found in foods such as broccoli, spinach and yeast extract but can also be taken in supplement form on its own or as part of a good quality collagen supplement.